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We believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We're a family-focused church, where all are welcome; believers, doubters and investigators alike.

Join us 9am every Sunday for our services, including children's church for the little ones during term.

Helping people of the West Pilbara love Jesus and live for Him!

Karratha Anglican Community Church is made up of people from a variety of ages, stages and backgrounds.  On Sundays we meet as a family united around Jesus.  We sing, we pray, we open the Bible together to encourage each other in our relationship with Jesus. Our church is open to all, regardless of denomination or creed. We have a team of volunteers that operate our children's ministry and youth programs. Please feel very welcome to meet with us on Sunday for church, and then stick around afterwards for a cuppa so we can get to know each other.  

9AM Sundays.

Connect with us weekly.

Our groups meet regularly to read, discuss, and learn from the Word of God. There's no pressure to have a certain level of expertise or familiarity with the Bible-- just come as you are and let us help you dig deeper into what it has to offer.

Join a Bible Study

Kids are a valuable part of  life and Karratha Anglican Community Church.  Our Solid Rock Kids Program, seeks to teach the our kids in an age appropriate way about Jesus every Sunday during Term.  

Solid Rock Kids

As part of the West Pilbara Parish, the ministry of our church covers the towns of Roebourne, Wickham and Samson.   As well as bible studies in Wickham, services and weddings are held in the historic Holy Trinity Roebourne Building.  Contact us for more info.

Wickham and Roebourne

Mission to Seafarers  - Dampier & Port Walcott provides valuable care to the men and women serving on ships visiting local ports. KACC supports this valuable service.

Mission to Seafarers

Roebourne Church - Karratha Pilbara - Joseph Penipe photography (15 of 18).jpg
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